Wednesday, September 24, 2008


OKAY OKAY...... So I know that every parent thinks that their kids are so smart, but I am so proud of my little Statton. He barely turned 2 in July and he already loves to go on the potty. We started reading a potty book so I thought it would be fun for him to get Jax's old little potty out. Not only did he think it was fun but now when we are home he will only go on the potty. What a GENIUS (LOL)! He hasn't ventured to any away from home potty use (can you blame him) Anyways . . .I had to share this exciting news.

1 comment:

Callisters said...

I love when they find a new love of independance! I have been buying dipers for 6 years now, I am very ready for Olivia to be potty trained also.